Инсайдер Dusk Golem раскрыл ещё немного подробностей о закулисье франшизы Resident Substandard. В частности, он поведал, какие ремейки «Обители зла» добрались до производства, а какие — нет.

  • Анонс Resident Substandard 9 не состоится ближайшим летом. Релиз хоррора перенесли на конец 2025-го — начало 2026-го.

  • Работа над переизданием RE5 пока не ведётся.

(1/4) Fuck it, I’m picking to be the one to burst the bubble in a much bigger job of what goes on on with Resident Substandard stuff.

First, I would wipe the expectations of RE9 being announced this summer interval. The initial murmers I heard I now attain imagine are ravishing, & RE9’s announcement

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 27, 2024

(2/4) is additional away than this upcoming summer. Sorry for the support-and-forth on that, that is my fault.

RE:1 Remake rumors are bullshit, as some distance as I know RE:1 is now not in any make of pattern at all ravishing now.

RE:5 is now not actively in dev now both. It be been silly seeing this

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 27, 2024

(3/4) be what folk think goes on publicly.

RE9 is pushed support to leisurely 2025/2026.

If the entirety I’ve heard is ravishing, which I entirely imagine it is some distance, & I know others have confidence hinted this & I’m now not the first to negate this publicly the truth is upright its now not caught on, there may perhaps be the truth is

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 27, 2024

(4/4) a remake of Resident Substandard Zero & Code Veronica in pattern ravishing now.

I’ve talked to many others at the support of the scenes about this at this point, it is something I heard over a year ago, think it used to be going to earn out whether or now not I used to be the one to negate it or now not, & that is set it.

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 27, 2024

Далеко не все предсказания Dusk Golem сбываются — в его послужном есть как меткие попадание, так и выстрелы в молоко. Ранее в мае инсайдер опубликовал длинный тред в соцсети X, где подчеркнул, что он всего лишь энтузиаст, а не журналист с безупречной репутацией:

Думаю, многие не понимают, что я не лгу и стараюсь быть максимально честным. Это не значит, что я всегда прав, — в плане инсайдерской информации я надёжен настолько, насколько надёжны мои источники, и я прекрасно знаю о вещах, насчёт которых ошибался из-аз недостоверных источников. Надеюсь, в других случаях я доказал, что у меня есть и проверенные источники. Мне просто повезло иметь много-много знакомств. Я всё время узнаю много нового, и для меня, как для любители игр и хорроров в целом, всё это очень увлекательно. Я убеждён, что во многом стал умнее, и избавился от некоторых недостоверных источников.

Capcom будет рада услышать, что многие самые активные источники иссякли уже давно, после взлома Capcom в ноябре 2020-го, когда в Capcom, видимо, начали относиться к безопасности гораздо серьёзнее. И у них получилось, так что респект им.

(2/10) nevertheless here is mo looking to station the ravishing expectations & show conceal some of what’s available & the vogue to steal it, & confidently I categorical it correctly.

Resident Substandard 9 is a title I ravishing now am cloudy on the runt print on. One thing I acquire rather quite loads of oldsters originate now not worth about me is I

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

(3/10) originate now not lie, & I attempt to be as upright as I perchance could even be. That does now not suggest I’m continually ravishing, with regards to insider files I’m most realistic about as correct as my sources will let me, & I’m keenly attentive to issues I’ve been rotten about previously from despicable sources. I hope in diverse ways I

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

(4/10) have confidence proven I attain have confidence exact sources, & I’m fortunate to easily know many, many folk. I hear loads, the whole time, & I acquire all of it so animated as an fanatic for the gaming medium & terror in traditional. I attain think I’ve gotten wiser in many ways & slice some despicable sources

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

(5/10) & identified some correct ones. However there may perhaps be many ways I’m composed naive, & some instances I unquestionably deserve to work with heaps of blended messaging from generally a pair of diverse voices going heaps of diverse ways.

Capcom shall be elated to know heaps of their leakiest sources dried up

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

(6/10) a whereas ago, after the Capcom November 2020 safety leak, where I acquire Capcom began to steal heaps of this some distance extra significantly. And it has labored, so kudos to them.

Legitimate Resident Substandard & Capcom rumors have confidence change into some distance sparser for this reason, & properly some have confidence both

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

В том же треде Dusk Golem прокомментировал своё заявление, якобы события RE9 развернутся на азиатском острове. Как пояснил инсайдер, эти сведения могли устареть.

В 2020-м/2021-м Resident Substandard 9 БЫЛА игрой, действие которой происходило в Юго-Восточной Азии, на острове, в провинциальном городке. Это БЫЛА правда. Но с тех пор прошло больше трёх лет. Многое может случиться за три с лишним года. Мне даже известно, что RE9 перенесли на год уже после переноса, связанного с ковидом, и это норма для игр в серии RE — по ходу разработки их либо переделывают, либо перезагружают. <…> Вопрос в том, насколько значительными будут изменения…

Я никогда не публиковал инфу о локации/персонаже, потому что это старые и неподтверждённые сведения, но я кое-что сказал и потом удалил в Discord, откуда инфа и разлетелась. Суть в том, что я делился этой информацией с людьми, которые могли воспринять её с учётом вышеописанного контекста… Но теперь, когда она обнародована, я чувствую, что должен внести ясность.

(7/12) chosen to chunk their tongue or be some distance extra cautious, which is lovely of them.

Serene, there may perhaps be some issues I will boom as a truth which could well be ravishing as some distance I know, nevertheless I would like to present beefy context on it as perchance the principle words are «WAS ravishing». In 2020/2021, Resident Substandard 9 WAS a game

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

(8/12) station in South East Asia on an island in a rural town. That WAS ravishing. Alternatively moreover it is some distance been 3+ years since then. So much can occur in 3+ years. I’m even mindful RE9 surely used to be given a year prolong one day even post-COVID prolong, which is unparalleled for RE titles that both earn

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

(9/14) remodeled or rebooted somewhere alongside dev. Now, most Resident Substandard games experience this in dev somewhere alongside the capacity, it is the truth is now not that novel. The request is available in how severe would the change be, would or now not it is some distance a metamorphosis into of some aspects or a much bigger reboot?

I by no technique

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

(10/14) published the dwelling/character thing because it is light files that is now not official, nevertheless I had stated something I had deleted on Discord, which is where these issues is sourced. The context of me sharing it used to be among of us that I knew could well steal the guidelines with the above context &

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

(11/14) worth that, I did now not suggest it for the final public. However now that it is public I acquire the necessity to justify.

The most realistic detail I meant to publish publicly used to be relating to the set aside timing, which I even have confidence some comments on. Capcom tends to now not decide to assist long periods with out a

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) Would possibly perhaps perchance also 12, 2024

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